Google Wants to Use Machine Learning to Keep AI Data Unbiased

thedailyupside.com Google wants to turn bias away at the door. The company is seeking to patent a system for “rejecting biased data using a machine learning model.” This tech essentially aims…

Google DeepMind’s ‘leap forward’ in AI could unlock secrets of biology

theguardian.com Researchers have hailed another “leap forward” for artificial intelligence after Google DeepMind unveiled the latest version of its AlphaFold program, which can predict how…

Meta adds more AI features for advertisers with new image and text generation tools

digiday.com Meta is expanding its generative AI ad tools with more ways to create images and text — but not yet giving marketers carte blanche for creative automation. Yesterday, Meta…

Google begins enforcement of site reputation abuse policy with portions of sites being delisted

searchengineland.com Google has started its enforcement of the new site reputation abuse policy by deranking or deindexing portions of websites from the Google Search index. This seems to have…

Developers get started transforming aging Thompson Center into Google’s sleek new home

chicagotribune.com Developers have begun the long-awaited transformation of the James R. Thompson Center into a high-tech home for Google, a move heralded by state and city officials as a new…

Google’s AI plans now include cybersecurity

theverge.com As people try to find more uses for generative AI that are less about making a fake photo and are instead actually useful, Google plans to point AI to cybersecurity and make…

How Google harms search advertisers in 20 slides

searchengineland.com Google manipulated ad auctions and inflated costs to increase revenue, harming advertisers, the Department of Justice argued last week in the U.S. vs. Google antitrust…

What the Future of Work Means for CFOs’ Budgets

pymnts.com Over $38 billion of U.S. office buildings face loan defaults, foreclosures or other distresses. At the same time, many companies are relocating or centralizing their…

Integrated Health Metrics Unlock New Frontier for Connected Wellness

pymnts.com In the wake of Peloton’s restructuring efforts that come amid a decline in user engagement and a shrinking user base, the connected fitness industry finds itself at a…

Google, U.S. Justice Department make final arguments about whether search engine is a monopoly

financialpost.com WASHINGTON — Google‘s preeminence as an internet search engine is an illegal monopoly propped up by more than US$20 billion spent each year by the tech giant to lock out…

Google’s antitrust trial spotlights search ads on the final day of closing arguments

digiday.com Ads took center stage today in Google’s antitrust trial, as the U.S. Dept. of Justice sought to show the search giant as the only player in a game with rising prices. This…

Nvidia Stock Analysis: 3 Reasons to Bet on NVDA in This Shifting AI Landscape

investorplace.com Nvidia (NASDAQ: ) remains the world’s leading high-performance semiconductor and GPU maker. NVDA stock has surged because of its focus on AI. NVDA stock has dropped about…

Google and DOJ attorneys begin closing antitrust arguments

digiday.com Lawyers for the U.S. Justice Department and Google yesterday began their closing arguments in an ongoing antitrust trial, which comes nearly nine months after it began and…

Google grilled in closing arguments of landmark DOJ antitrust case: ‘You really think that DuckDuckGo is a competitor?’

nypost.com A federal judge hammered key elements of Google’s defense on Thursday as closing arguments began in a landmark antitrust trial that could potentially upend the tech giant’s…

7 Stock Picks That S&P 500 Bulls Can’t Afford to Ignore

investorplace.com These S&P 500 stock picks should inspire bullishness even as markets waver The S&P 500 and other major stock indices continue to waver. April continues to be a volatile…

Google Executives Awarded 200% Stock Payouts Amid Layoffs and Turbulence

dailybusinessupdates.com In a year filled with challenges and layoffs, four top executives at Google have received hefty stock payouts based on their performance. Despite a turbulent period for the…

Google reportedly cuts hundreds of staff from core teams

siliconrepublic.com Google employees from Flutter, Dart and Python claim the company is reducing roles, while others claim the roles are being moved to new locations. Google has laid off…

Former PayPal President Lauds Bitcoin, Calls It Future Native Currency Of AI

coingape.com In a riveting turn of events, despite Bitcoin’s recent turbulent price action, former PayPal president David Marcus took a bullish stance on the world’s largest crypto by…

The DOJ makes closing arguments in Google Search antitrust trial

digiday.com Over the next two days, a Washington D.C. court will hear closing legal arguments from both defense and prosecution in a lawsuit alleging Google has undue control over the…

NewFronts Day 3: Diverse-owned media companies tout their multicultural audience reach, plus a Q&A with IAB’s CEO

digiday.com Hosted on the IAB’s mainstage, day three of the organization’s annual four-day NewFronts focused on ad tech products and media companies pitching their ability to reach…

Google lays off 200 workers, shifts jobs to Mexico and India in latest restructuring

nypost.com Google fired approximately 200 employees and relocated some of the jobs overseas – the latest sign of a long-running effort by the Big Tech firm to cut costs and restructure…

Google employees stage sit-ins to protest company's contract with Israel

latimes.com Employees take part in a sit-in at the Google’s New York office to protest the tech giant’s work with Israel. Dozens of Google employees held sit-ins Tuesday at the tech…

Google Announces Video Ad Targeting Options

socialmediatoday.com Google’s announced a range of new ad updates as part of its 2024 NewFronts presentation, including expanded placement options, improved data tracking tools, and AI-based…

Google confirms links are not that important, Google’s CEO on what search will be like in 10 years, and Does the WNBA actually have potential now?

omny.fm In episode #2728, we argue that while Google has stated that links are not as important as they used to be, we still believe that they play a significant role in rankings.…

NewFronts Briefing: Google, Vizio and news publishers pitch marketers with new ad offerings and range of content categories

digiday.com The Interactive Advertising Bureau’s annual four-day NewFronts kicked off yesterday in New York City, with presentations from Google and Vizio pitching marketers on their…

Google Announces New Video Ad Targeting Options

socialmediatoday.com Google’s announced a range of new ad updates as part of its 2024 NewFronts presentation, including expanded placement options, improved data tracking tools, and AI-based…

Google Gemini: Everything you need to know about the new generative AI platform

techcrunch.com Google Gemini: Everything you need to know about the new generative AI platform Google’s trying to make waves with Gemini, its flagship suite of generative AI models, apps…

CMA’s latest on Google’s Privacy Sandbox sparks doubt among ad execs

digiday.com In case it slipped under your radar — the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) dropped its latest opinions Friday afternoon on the merits and pitfalls of Google’s efforts…

Google just dropped millions of dollars to teach more people how to use AI

fortune.com On Friday morning, Google announced a $75 million grant in an upskilling initiative called the AI Opportunity Fund. The fund—meted out through Google.org, the company’s…

Google invests $1 billion in Northern Virginia data centers

insidenova.com Google on Friday announced a $1 billion investment to expand its Virginia data centers, including two Loudoun County sites and a newly opened Prince William County campus.…

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