The new quiet luxury is burgers and fries: Over 60% of Americans are buying less fast food because it’s just too expensive, survey finds

finance.yahoo.com Move over, Hermès and Miu Miu—the newest luxury purse flying under the radar is a crinkled paper bag filled with burgers and greasy fries. The vast majority of Americans now…

The new quiet luxury is burgers and fries: Over 60% of Americans won’t buy fast food because it’s just too expensive, survey finds

fortune.com Move over, Hermes and Miu Miu—the newest luxury purse flying under the radar is a crinkled paper bag filled with burgers and greasy fries. The vast majority of Americans now…

Americans still believe this one credit card myth

aol.com Credit card balances are on the rise, while credit scores are dropping. Yet, some Americans still believe that carrying a balance on their credit card is helping to boost…

Americans are going into debt to attend weddings

newsweek.com Americans are going into debt for their friends and family's weddings, and sometimes they fork over more than $2,500 to be a part of the special day. A new LendingTree…

Consumer Tipping Point: 3 Glaring Signs That Americans Are Struggling Financially in 2024

investorplace.com More Americans are struggling financially, and it’s more evident these days. Recent estimates suggest 65% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, up from 58% last year,…

Credit card debt poised to smash another record high

foxbusiness.com Americans are racking up more as still-high inflation and steep interest rates continue to make the cost of everyday necessities more expensive. The New York Federal Reserve…

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