The SEC’s surprise blessing of Ethereum ETFs is the crypto makeover no one expected

aol.com ETFs are not exactly the most exhilarating class of assets. They’re the safe type of investment that your dad or financial planner tells you to load up on—why bet on…

Today's mortgage rates rise for 30-year terms while 15-year rates hold steady

foxbusiness.com The interest rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is 6.990% as of May 24, which is 0.115 percentage points higher than yesterday. Additionally, the interest rate on a…

Today's mortgage rates hold steady for 30-year terms while 15-year terms edge up

foxbusiness.com The interest rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is 6.875% as of May 23, which is unchanged from yesterday. Additionally, the interest rate on a 15-year fixed-rate…

Why do Americans tip when people in their countries don’t have to?

marketplace.org This is just one of the stories from our “I’ve Always Wondered” series, where we tackle all of your questions about the world of business, no matter how big or small. Ever…

Why government regulation isn’t a clear cut issue in tech anymore

aol.com Government regulation of business is dominating the headlines these days, with the Department of Justice and dozens of states trying to break up music promoter Live Nation,…

Copyright issues at OpenAI and other AI startups are ramping up

aol.com Last week, Sony Music Group sent out a letter to more than 700 companies building out or using generative AI models with a clear warning: If you’re going to use Sony’s…

A high bar for health tech startups

aol.com It was only four months ago that Fortune painted a picture of unicorpses littering the tech landscape. "The atmosphere has turned undeniably sour for startups," Jessica…

Fertility treatments and work: Should I tell my boss?

theglobeandmail.com Content from The Globe’s weekly Women and Work newsletter, part of The Globe’s Women’s Collective. To subscribe, click here. Question: I recently accepted an unexpected new…

Databricks is expanding the scope of its AI investments with second VC fund

aol.com When Andrew Ferguson launched Databricks’ corporate venture arm three years ago, he wasn’t expecting to be writing checks quite this fast. Databricks Ventures has backed 25…

Why crypto VCs are fretting about distributions: ‘Let them see the green’

aol.com Finance reporter Leo Schwartz here, filling in for Allie while she’s on her honeymoon. I’m still recovering from Fortune’s Future of Finance conference in Midtown Manhattan…

Today's 15- and 30-year mortgage rates hold steady

foxbusiness.com The interest rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is 6.625% as of May 17, which is unchanged from yesterday. Additionally, the interest rate on a 15-year fixed-rate…

The wedding industry is fragmented

aol.com In 2016, two friends asked him to officiate their wedding, and the experience proved to be a lightbulb moment. Greitzer ultimately spent a year stressing out about what it…

David Sacks’ Slack challenger Glue has opened up to the public

aol.com It’s loud in terms of those message dings, yes, but it’s also noisy in terms of the number of channels you inevitably land in, wading through them, trying to track the…

Should tell my employer that I have ADHD?

theglobeandmail.com Content from The Globe’s weekly Women and Work newsletter, part of The Globe’s Women’s Collective. To subscribe, click here. Question: I was recently diagnosed with ADHD.…

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